I'm Back!!!

Wow, I know, I know, it's been a long time since my last post (I'm such a slacker!). It's been a pretty eventful last few months. From birthday parties, to home renovations, to my ongoing back problem (thank goodness for morphine...I'm a permanent resident of LaLa Land!!!). Well, enough about that boring stuff....let's move on to something much more fun and exciting....my ever-growing little princess...my baby Alexis!!! She celebrated her first birthday back in April and Jon and I couldn't be more proud. She went from speed-demon crawler to hell-on-wheels walker/runner!!! Her little chubby legs are soooooooo cute when she runs, and she has that "Don't get in my way, I'm on a mission" look on her face!!! We recently bought her a pool to swim in, and let's just say that her first time was quite interesting. She would not let go of Daddy the entire time she was in. Her second time was a lot more relaxing, she actually let go of me and ventured off into the 'unknown'!!! Not only is she an Olympic runner 'in training', but she is also a future gardener, soccer player, bird-watcher, artist, TV critic, rock collector, and comedian. Talk about one busy little girl, hey??!! Well, needless to say that she is just so much fun at this age, and we and our families just can't get enough of her. I've decided to post a bunch of different pics for your enjoyment. Oh My God, she is just so cute (I know I'm biased, but I just can't help it!!!) Stay tunned for future updates on how her 'training' is coming along!!!